
Now serving Cadillac Michigan! If you desire a financial institution who's a true partner with cutting-edge technology solutions and a personal approach to help members grow, look no further than Forest Area Federal Credit Union. Contact us today to learn more about what a credit union has to offer. From personal checking accounts, saving accounts, and business lending, to auto, home & personal loans, we have what you need for a better financial future! Forest Area Federal Credit Union offers all the convinces of modern banking with benefits you don't get with traditional banks.


the outside of the Forest Area Federal Credit Union Branch in Cadillac



Branch Contact

9100 E 34 Rd.
Cadillac, MI 49601


Fax: 231-879-3989
Audio Banking: 1-866-267-4725 


Lobby Hours
Mon-Thu: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sat-Sun: Closed



Drive-up Hours
Mon-Thu: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Sat: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Sun: Closed

General Contact



Our friendly staff is available to hlep you via chat during business hours. Just use the Evergreen Chat Widget


Don't have time to chat right now? You can send your questions to us using our website contact form.


Forest Area Federal Credit Union is dedicated to providing you with a personalized banking experience that supports all of your banking needs. Navigate the menu at the top of the page to learn more about all the services we offer in-branch & online.